What are Life Themes?

A Life Theme or Life Themes are repeating cycles of circumstances, situations or issues that appear in more than one life as you navigate your experiences here on Earth. As an incarnated Soul, you will have a Life Theme which arises in many lifetimes. These Life Themes will arise either because you have karma to … More What are Life Themes?

Hard-wired to believe – our brains are a belief engine

Often when working with clients, I come up against forces and walls of energy that prevent growth.

I know they are blocking the client from increased wellness or from moving forward on their personal development journey, even if the reasons cannot always be explained or identified by the client.

Beliefs can be a powerful invisible force, either helping or hindering the holder and can quite often be outside of our conscious awareness.

More Hard-wired to believe – our brains are a belief engine

A new way to think about your future

Have you ever tried to predict the future, or had it done for you, and it’s been accurate? If yes, then I’m sure it’s also true that you’ve had experiences of the same that have been totally inaccurate! So is it possible to predict the future? After many years of spiritual study, I would say – in some cases yes, in others, no. Doesn’t that sound like what I said at the beginning? Yes, you are correct. This is not intended to confuse you, but to give you an energetic sense of the changing nature of the future. But here is what I have learned from embodying the energy of the future and how it can help us in the now. … More A new way to think about your future